Executive Interview with Mr. Maxim Sheaib:

PPE manufacturers have been featured on the news all year round especially at the height of the pandemic caused by the coronavirus disease. Early this year in 2020, the World Health Organization urged that manufacturers of protective equipment, including rubber gloves, masks, and other medical equipment have to increase their production capacity, to increase the supplies of PPE for health workers and the people on the frontlines battling against the virus.

The CEO Magazine Asia conducted an exclusive interview with our Executive Director & Managing Partner, Mr. Maxim Sheaib:

““We’ve seen multiple viruses spreading across the globe over the past years. Throughout, we’ve continued to manufacture latex examination gloves for the healthcare industry and to ensure that our products meet industry requirements. Our company has always been at the forefront of the battle against bacteria, viruses and dangerous infections.”

Here is the Full Interview: https://www.theceomagazine.com/executive-interviews/manufacturing/maxim-sheaib/ 

Maxim Sheaib Business Interview
Interview with Maxim Sheaib for the CEO Magazine